Snohomish County is one of the fastest-growing areas in the United States. Aerospace and advanced manufacturing are among our largest, fastest-growing industries.

In 2019, 20% of the total Snohomish County nonfarm employment was in manufacturing industries. This is proportionally higher than any other county in Washington and above the national average. Further, over 30% of the manufacturing workforce in Snohomish County is age 55 or older. As this population retires, we will need people with the skills to fill these modern manufacturing jobs.

Image source: Economic Alliance Snohomish County

WSU Everett, with the support of the P-20 Council and the Aerospace Taskforce, developed the Take Flight Snohomish County initiative to build awareness of in-demand STEM careers, increase aerospace and advanced manufacturing program enrollment, and educate a modern, local-to-global workforce. Take Flight Snohomish County will grow into an established part of career-connected learning throughout the county.

We established the website——to provide up-to-date information about regional educational opportunities and aerospace and advanced manufacturing resources. Beyond serving as a directory, our goal is to create and launch a trusted community resource accessible to prospective students, program leaders, and the community.